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Monday, December 23, 2013

The Dresspot

Alright everybody I'm soooo sorry I have been slacking these last couple of weeks!! We all know how crazy the Holidays get, but this time of year is so fun!! I hope everyone has been able to spend time with family and friends.... oh ya and eating lots of goodies!!! I'm so excited today to introduce to you all such a genius website! It  is called The Dresspot and I seriously can't get over it!!! You have to go check it out for yourselves because just me talking about it does not give it justice!!! So this website is designed to help you find dresses without all the hassle. You actually pick the color of dress you are looking for  ( they have color hues you can choose from) you choose your price range and they have a bunch of stores that they pull from there inventory and BOOOOM you have found your perfect dress!!!! Seriously like I said, pure genius!! You could spend hours looking at all the pretty dresses!! Jeremy Penrod is the founder of this and I had the oppurtunity to meet him and he is such a nice person!! Another reason why you need to head over to thedresspot.com is because I guest posted on there blog!!! Yay!!!! Over on there blog I talk about "the truth about dressing business casual". Sometimes it can be difficult to dress for work, but still feel cute! Head on over and check out there website and then browse on over to their blog!! You can get  to their blog by just going to there website and then at the top you will see a blog button up there and you just click on that!!! Thanks for all of the support; you all are so great!! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!! I want to share with you one of my favorite quotes, I honestly don't where it came from: "Christmas is the Season, Jesus is the reason"

Here's the link one more time: thedresspot.com

p.s. stay tuned because I will be posting an outfit for the holidays!!:)